Just Simple Apps - Android Applications by Just Simple Apps
Application Australian Newspapers is a complete list of Newspapers and Magazines published in Australia. App contains nationwide Newspapers as well as a local or political. The list of Australian Newspapers includes The Australian, Financial Review...
Free AppApplication Czech Republic News is a simple aggregator of the most popular periodicals in the Czech Republic - iDnes.cz, Novinky.cz, iHned.cz, Aktuálně.cz, České noviny (ČTK), Lidovky.cz, ČT24 news, Echo24.cz, Euro.cz and Investigative sites like...
Free AppApplications - Malta News - lists the main news websites with the highest traffic. The basic application shows basic news servers from Malta - Malta Today, Malta Independent, iNewsMalta, Times of Malta, maltasport, kullhad and many others. In addition...
Free AppAplikácia Slovenské Noviny obsahuje zoznam hlavných spravodajských webov s najväčšou návštevnosťou. V základnom nastavení aplikácie zobrazuje základné spravodajské servery zo Slovenska - napr. SME, Pravda, Hlavné správy, Denník N...
Free AppSeznam hlavních českých zpravodajských serverů přehledně na jednom místě. K dispozici máte v základním nastavení několik desítek nejčtenějších českých periodik s různým zaměřením - zpravodajství, sport, technika, finance a...
Free AppApplications - Ireland News - is a list of periodicals published in Ireland. App containts nationwide newspaper, as well as a local, political or university newspaper.The list of Irish periodicals includes Irish Independent, Irish Times, The Irish Daily..
Free AppNew Zealand - News brings you a regular update of the latest news from New Zealand. The application is a simple RSS aggregator of the most read New Zealand periodicals. You can read news from New Zealand, Australia, the World, and also from local communit
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