
JudgeAZ published 6 applications on Google Play, 21 people rated these apps with an average rating of 0.85!

NXS Dialer 2 by JudgeAZNXS Dialer 2

Rated 0.00(0) — JudgeAZ

The given application allows you to manage your mobile or android phone via bluetooth. You will require Nexus 7 or o any other tablet, a mobile or android phone, handsfree and the application.For use with the Android phone is needed utility NXS Dialer...

NXS Dialer Assistant by JudgeAZNXS Dialer Assistant

Rated 0.00(0) — JudgeAZ

Assistant for NXS Dialer 2 & NXS Dialer 2 free. This utility for android phone. This app is an assistant for the NXS Dialer 2, it is the supplier of call data and can call the desired number. The NXS Dialer 2 sends commands via Bluetooth to perform as...

Free App
NXS Dialer old by JudgeAZNXS Dialer old

Rated 1.00(1) — JudgeAZ

Released a new stable version NXS Dialer 2 & NXS Dialer 2 freeThe given application allows you to manage your mobile phone via bluetooth. You will require Nexus 7 or o any other tablet, a mobile phone, handsfree and the application.Connect your Nexus...

NXS Dialer 2 free by JudgeAZNXS Dialer 2 free

Rated 2.33(6) — JudgeAZ

The given application allows you to manage your mobile or android phone via bluetooth. You will require Nexus 7 or o any other tablet, a mobile or android phone, handsfree and the application.For use with the Android phone is needed utility NXS Dialer...

Free App
NXS Dialer FREE by JudgeAZNXS Dialer FREE

Rated 1.79(14) — JudgeAZ

Released a new stable version NXS Dialer 2 & NXS Dialer 2 freeThe given application allows you to manage your mobile phone via bluetooth. You will require Nexus 7 or o any other tablet, a mobile phone, handsfree and the application.Connect your Nexus...

Free App Poor rating
Автобот by JudgeAZАвтобот

Rated 0.00(0) — JudgeAZ

Внимание в данный момент не на всех устройствах корректно работает "Синтезатор речи Google", надеемся Google вскоре устранит эту проблему.Приложение...
