JOSS FZE published 4 applications on Google Play, 8 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.00!

Family Shopping List by JOSS FZEFamily Shopping List

Rated 0.00(0) — JOSS FZE

User can create a shopping list by naming products and the departments one can find them.Once in the store a swipe left will move the product into the cart.Sharing a shopping list with friend allows him to add to the list or to shop as well.Multiple...

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Horákyně EET s DPH by JOSS FZEHorákyně EET s DPH

Rated 0.00(0) — JOSS FZE

Pokladna na bázi Horákyne EET, ale s podporou položek s různou sazbou DPH.

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Horakyne EET by JOSS FZEHorakyne EET

Rated 4.00(8) — JOSS FZE

In compliance with Czech law any cash receipts have to be in real time registered with the CZ Ministry of Finance. This app does that and uses a Bluetooth printer to print the receipt including the FIK code assigned by the ministry.

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Play Time Monitor by JOSS FZEPlay Time Monitor

Rated 0.00(0) — JOSS FZE

Play Time Monitor helps parents to make sure, that the time their child spent playing games was really what he/she said it was. It taps into the system application usage statistics and displays a sorted list of all the games or apps used today, yesterday.

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