John Roufaiel

John Roufaiel published 2 applications on Google Play, 109 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.67!

Cardiac Blood Flow by John RoufaielCardiac Blood Flow

Rated 5.00(5) — John Roufaiel

“I haven't had a class with the professor. I found him via an app. Not studying this intense in 20+yrs I found him to amazingly helpful. I'm studying to be a RN in Australia.”-From (

Endocrine by John RoufaielEndocrine

Rated 4.34(104) — John Roufaiel

This is the first app of hopefully many to come! Learn about the Endocrine System through various methods: videos, flash cards, notes, and quizzes! All of this is available on-the-go without WiFi! After watching a video study some flash cards and take...

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