楊家碩Jimmy - Android Applications by 楊家碩Jimmy
行事曆、記帳手冊、目標管理、生活一把罩,搭配簡單的語音辨識,讓生活更智慧。 Calendar, accounting manuals, management by objectives,Living Yiba Zhao,With a simple voice recognition,Make life smarter.
Free App搭公車沒事做?坐捷運好無聊?就來動動腦猜數字吧~還可以兩人一起玩喔! Take the bus to do nothing?MRT is boring?Guess it would be fixed brains ~You can also play with two Oh!
Free Game簡單的雙人遊戲,比誰的反應比較快!非常簡單的小遊戲~兩個人PK輸了請客啦~ Simple game where the reaction is faster than anyone else!Very simple little game - two people PKTreat it lost ~
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