Jeb Ware

Jeb Ware published 6 applications on Google Play, 52 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.98!

Fractions Visualizer by Jeb WareFractions Visualizer

Rated 5.00(3) — Jeb Ware

A simple, clean way to visualize a fraction.

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NormBreaker by Jeb WareNormBreaker

Rated 0.00(0) — Jeb Ware

We're an app that challenges you to break social norms for fun to make face-to-face connections.

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TrueCompass by Jeb WareTrueCompass

Rated 3.00(2) — Jeb Ware

Accounts for Earth's magnetic field, so it always points to true North.Tells you in big numbers and letters where you're currently pointing. Press a button to toggle between true North and magnetic North.To calibrate, just choose 'Automatically Set Declin

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LocalTime by Jeb WareLocalTime

Rated 0.00(0) — Jeb Ware

Ever wondered why time zones are so arbitrary, and thought that every place should have its own time zone, based on its latitude? (Hopefully, you quickly realized the kind of chaos that would wreak on the world economy)Now you can! LocalTime is the only..

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Tehda for TeuxDeux by Jeb WareTehda for TeuxDeux

Rated 3.89(47) — Jeb Ware

Tehda is an Android client for TeuxDeux, the simple designy, todo app.- Widget to see your list from your homescreen- Keep track of your tasks day-by-day- Easily re-arrange your todo list to match your changing day- Use the lists section for your ideas...

When Is Now? by Jeb WareWhen Is Now?

Rated 0.00(0) — Jeb Ware

A world clock, inspired by the excellent XKCD "Now" comic by Randall Munroe. the times of day across the top of the screen, with selected cities and regions below, and bars for each continent. A Google Map is provided below for...

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