JAMURR.org - Android Applications by JAMURR.org
Questo gioco è stato creato da 7 bambini in una Kids Game Jam.Ovvero 7 bambini (dai 7 ai 12 anni) si trovati durante l'Internet Festival 2016 ed è stato dato loro un TEMA: "SE NON CI FOSSERO GLI ALTRI..." ed avevano una giornata per svilupparci un...
Free Gamethe tools every kid needs to be a better spy and secret agent.developed by a kid for kids, this app contains a suite of tools needed for their games.in this first release they can use the ** Message Cryptogtapher **:to transform "this Normal Message...
Free Gamea simple story written by a kid for other kids.** winner of the Global Game Jam 2016 Pisa - Best game + Younger Game Designer Award **an interactive adventure of a sheep who wants to grow up, discovering her internal difficulties allegorized by the differ
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