
Jampled published 3 applications on Google Play, 45 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.34!

Impossible Rusher by JampledImpossible Rusher

Rated 5.00(14) — Jampled

Another fairly clon of Impossible Rush made by pixel art lovers.

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Yuzin by JampledYuzin

Rated 3.59(17) — Jampled

Agenda cultural de Sevilla y Granada con periodicidad mensual.Se descargará la agenda una vez al mes. Una vez descargada, la podrás usar sin conexión. Es necesario un lector de pdf para poder ver la agenda. Cultural Agenda of Seville and Granada on...

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Meteor Melt by JampledMeteor Melt

Rated 4.43(14) — Jampled

Destroy the asteroids that threaten to smash everything and save your home!Enjoy this small portable mod of the classic Pang!Music by El Mono Feliz: elmonofeliz@gmail.com

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