Jakub Viglasky - Android Applications by Jakub Viglasky
Second version of brand new 2D game. Can you avoid obstacles? Your goal in this game is to get as far as possible. When touched the doodle ball spins around and you have to avoid possible threats like spinning balls, spikes, spinning poles etc. Beating...
Free GameZákladné vzorce stredoškolskej matematiky máš od teraz vždy po ruke. Nemusíš sa zdržiavať písaním na maličké papieriky.Matematické vzorce na dosah ruky. Aplikácia zahŕňa základné vzťahy stredoškolskej matematiky potrebné k zvládnutiu...
Free AppThis is an endless avoidance game. By tapping you change the direction of spinning ball to avoid crashing in to objects. Speed of the game is instantly increasing to bring the best gameplay experience ever.Difference between Spinner and other simple...
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