jacsomedia - creative visual solutions - Android Applications by jacsomedia - creative visual solutions
The RAPA (Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Application) software for mobile telephones enables you to record day by day the signs and symptoms caused by rheumatoid arthritis (RA, peripheral polyarthritis). Using this program, you can show your doctor a summar
Free AppThe WatER2017 application is developed by Semmelweis Egészségügyi Kft., the healthcare provider of the FINA Budapest 2017. This application helps you to find easily the healthcare centres closest to the competition and training venues, hotels, or...
Free AppA SAPKA (Spondyloarthritis Patient Application) elnevezésű mobiltelefonos alkalmazással Ön az axialis spondyloarthritis nevű betegség okozta tüneteit, panaszait és a gyógyszeres kezeléssel való együttműködését rögzítheti napról napra...
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