J. Iván Hdez. Sánchez - Android Applications by J. Iván Hdez. Sánchez
Calcula tu área de superficie corporal según la fórmula de Dubois Dubois = raíz cuadrada de ((peso x altura) / 3600)
Free AppCalculates the Pearson correlation coefficient based on three types of ratings, direct, differentials and standardized. All should give the same result.
Free App1. Select your pictures.2. Select minutes to the change.And they alone will rotate on your desktop wallpaper! Bored of changes? Open the app and push STOP.
Free AppCreatinine clearance is a laboratory test that is done in order to monitor kidney function. Its main use is to see the progression of kidney failure.The methodology followed is to collect urine for 24 hours, along with a blood sample and both quantities..
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