IT Future - Android Applications by IT Future
you can use this as massage tool or vibrator you can use this as massage tool or vibrator
Free Appthis show your phone information! manufacture,networktype,callstate, etc.. this show your phone information! manufacture, networktype, callstate, etc ..
Free App현재 IP주소와 서브넷마스크, 게이트웨이등을 알수있습니다. Etc. You know the current IP address and subnet mask, and gateway.
Free App로또숫자를 생성합니다. "행운의숫자를알려면클릭!"을 클릭하면 로또숫자를 보여줍니다. Generate Lotto numbers. Click on the "Click to notify the lucky number!" Shows the lottery numbers.
Free App남녀노소 모두다 쓸수있는 복잡한것 없는 간단한 지하철 노선도 입니다. AU is a simple subway map is not all that complicated, which is writable.
Free AppFlash on버튼은 플래시를 켜주고 Flash off 버튼은 플래시를 꺼줍니다. 그리고 Blinker 버튼은 플래시가깜빡깜빡하며 플래시가 점조등역할을하게해줍니다. Flash on Flash off button on the flash to give off button will flash. Blinker button will blink and flash flash flash and makes the role viscous and more.
Free AppYou can measure Pressure,Speed,Altitude,Longitude,Latitude, ect. You can measure Pressure, Speed, Altitude, Longitude, Latitude, ect.
Free Appyou can take picture without sound. and you can hide Preview! so you can hide everything! you can take picture without sound. and you can hide Preview! so you can hide everything!
Free Appcm로 잴수있을뿐만아니라 현재 해상도정보, 가로세로화면크기정보를 알수있습니다. there jaelsu in cm, as well as information on the current resolution, horizontal and vertical, you know the screen size information.
Free App소음을발생시킵니다. 다른사람을 시끄럽게 하고싶을때 이어플을 설치하세요! It raises the noise. When you want someone loud and install the ear plug!
Free App수영,축구,등산,달리기 등의 칼로리 소모량을 알수있습니다. 다이어트나 몸만들기에 활용하세요! You know swimming, football, climbing, calorie consumption, such as running. Please take advantage of a diet or mommandeulgi!
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