
ilmeda published 3 applications on Google Play, 20 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.94!

AllCube by ilmedaAllCube

Rated 5.00(3) — ilmeda

1. eat all the gems within the time limits, the following stage is opened.2. The player controls to move from side to side, touch the screen with a vertical split.3. The player can move left and right to blue when touched. Do not touch the red when activa

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IABTest (Unreleased) by ilmedaIABTest (Unreleased)

Rated 0.00(0) — ilmeda

IABTestIABTest----개발자 연락처 :821030489466 IABTestIABTest

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Beat Bugs by ilmedaBeat Bugs

Rated 3.82(17) — ilmeda

1. Press the music button in the upper left corner of the game screen, select Take up the mp3 files on your device.2. When the music starts, the attack of insects begins with music.3. Holding the red worms power is being upgraded, the upgrade power-down..

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