iDEA studio

iDEA studio published 17 applications on Google Play, 24 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.60!

Ein abbild der Zeiten by iDEA studioEin abbild der Zeiten

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

Zauberhaft, magisch, marchenhaft … sind einige der schmückenden Beiwörter, mit denen Istrien in zahlreichen Büchern und mündlich beschrieben wird. Eine Kritik dieser Beschreibung findet hier keinen Platz, weil es sich um persönliche Aussagen handelt:...

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Istarski arheološki parkovi by iDEA studioIstarski arheološki parkovi

Rated 5.00(1) — iDEA studio

Materijalni ostaci civilizacija koje su se kroz prošlost izmjenjivale na istarskom području još uvijek povremeno izlaze na vidjelo, nekad očekivano, a ponekad iznenada, ispod slojeva zemlje. Tradicija arheologije u Istri traje više od jednog stoljeća...

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Istra otisak vremena by iDEA studioIstra otisak vremena

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

Čudesna, magična, bajkovita... tek su neki od epiteta kojima se Istra opisuje u brojnim izdanjima i usmenoj predaji. Kritici opisa tu nema mjesta jer riječ je o osobnom doživljaju: svatko od nas Istru ljubi i živi na svoj način. Njenu današnju...

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Istria Culture Top 100 by iDEA studioIstria Culture Top 100

Rated 4.38(13) — iDEA studio

Start exploring the culture of Istria by mobile audio guide application. More than 100 locations in 7 languages.

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Istrian archaeological parks by iDEA studioIstrian archaeological parks

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

The material remains of civilisations that existed on the Istrian Peninsula through centuries occasionally come to light, sometimes expectedly and sometimes unexpectedly, under thick layers of earth. The tradition of archaeology in Istria is more than...

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Istrien alte Stadtzentren by iDEA studioIstrien alte Stadtzentren

Rated 4.50(2) — iDEA studio

Alle historischen Stadtkerne im Inneren Istriens sind Orte ausergewohnlicher langer Besiedlung. Sie entstanden auf der Grundlage urgeschichtlicher Wohnstatten, Castelliere oder Gradinas. Es ist nicht verwunderlich auch hinsichtlich der Tatsache, dass...

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The castles of Istria by iDEA studioThe castles of Istria

Rated 3.33(3) — iDEA studio

Castles are the most recognisable architectural traces from the Middle Ages in Istria (Lat. castrum, a fortified Roman military settlement with watchtowers and bulwarks). Medieval feudalism was characterised by a great number of landowners: rulers of...

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Trail of Istrian frescoes by iDEA studioTrail of Istrian frescoes

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

The Middle Ages are a long period that in different areas had a different duration. The preserved Istrian mural paintings were painted between the 9th and 16th cc. in the manner of the Middle Ages although this period chronologically surpasses its limits.

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Venecijanska Arhitektura Istre by iDEA studioVenecijanska Arhitektura Istre

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

Istarska umjetnička baština velikim je dijelom obilježena mletačkom, venecijanskom kulturom, premda Venecija nikada nije zauzela čitavu Istru. Gradovi zapadne Istre postaju dio Mletaka u drugoj polovici 13., Pula početkom 14. stoljeća, dok su...

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Istarske freske by iDEA studioIstarske freske

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

Zadivljuje velika količina sačuvanoga zidnog slikarstva na relativno malom području kao što je Istra. Riječ je o približno 140 lokaliteta, od velikih i raskošnih fresko ciklusa do pojedinačnih scena i sitnih fragmenata. Prve freske u Istri nastaju...

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Istarski kašteli by iDEA studioIstarski kašteli

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

Istarsko su srednjovjekovlje u arhitekturi obilježili kašteli (lat. castrum, vojno naselje rimske vojske utvrđeno kulama i bedemima). Feudalizam srednjega vijeka karakterizira mnoštvo zemljovlasnika, vladara feuda koji grade obrambene utvrde –...

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Istra the imprint of Time by iDEA studioIstra the imprint of Time

Rated 5.00(1) — iDEA studio

Marvelous, magical, fairy tale-like... are just some of the epithets used to describe Istria when writing or talking about this region. There is no room for criticism in these descriptions, since it is a matter of personal experience and sensation: everyo

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Istria historic urban cores by iDEA studioIstria historic urban cores

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

All historic cores of Istrian towns in the interior show a distinct continuity of population since they developed on the sites of earlier prehistoric settlements, hill-forts. This is not surprising because sites that were more difficult to conquer on...

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Istrian Architecture by iDEA studioIstrian Architecture

Rated 3.00(2) — iDEA studio

Venetian culture contributed greatly to Istrian artistic heritage, even though the Venetian Republic never completely ruled over the Istrian peninsula. The towns of western Istria came under Venetian rule during the 13th century, Pula at the beginning...

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Šareni trag Istarskih fresaka by iDEA studioŠareni trag Istarskih fresaka

Rated 2.00(2) — iDEA studio

Srednji vijek je dugo razdoblje koje u različitim krajevima različito traje. Sačuvane istarske zidne slike nastajale su od 9. do 16. st. u duhu srednjega vijeka iako to razdoblje kronološki probija njegovu granicu. U 16. st. definitivno se utvrđuje...

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The frescoes of Istria by iDEA studioThe frescoes of Istria

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

The great number of preserved frescoes to be seen on the relatively small territory of the Istrian peninsula is amazing. We can speak of close to 140 localities, varying from large and rich fresco cycles to individual scenes and tiny fragments. These...

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Urbana povijesna središta by iDEA studioUrbana povijesna središta

Rated 0.00(0) — iDEA studio

Sve su povijesne jezgre gradova u unutrašnjosti Istre mjesta izrazitog kontinuiteta naseljenosti, jer su nastale na podlozi pretpovijesnih staništa, kasteljera ili gradina. To i ne začuđuje s obzirom na to da se za potrebe stalnog naseljavanja i...

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