Idea Apps, Inc.

Idea Apps, Inc. published 6 applications on Google Play, 20 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.11!

Beloved App by Idea Apps, Inc.Beloved App

Rated 4.64(11) — Idea Apps, Inc.

The Beloved app is your love schedule assistant making sure you keep your love on track. This App was designed to give you stress free romantic suggestions you can easily apply throughout the month to keep your romance alive. In addition, the App will...

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SecretCupid by Idea Apps, Inc.SecretCupid

Rated 5.00(1) — Idea Apps, Inc.

Think back to your worst blind date. Now, who set you up on that date? Did you use a dating site that asks you a few general likes and dislikes questions? A coworker who has “the PERFECT match for you”? With the SecretCupid app friends set their...

Tic N Away by Idea Apps, Inc.Tic N Away

Rated 4.00(5) — Idea Apps, Inc.

Answer questions correctly to reveal what your friend is hiding or vote to answer a question your friend asks you.Once the news is out and the picture or video is revealed, you can save the memorabilia to your device.Hold onto your new keepsakes for...

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NotYet4Sale by Idea Apps, Inc.NotYet4Sale

Rated 0.00(0) — Idea Apps, Inc.

Have you ever been driving down the road and found the perfect house for you, except one small detail, it’s not for sale? Wouldn’t you like to be able to know the minute that house is on the market? With Not Yet 4 Sale, you will! Not Yet 4 Sale puts...

Team Match by Idea Apps, Inc.Team Match

Rated 0.00(0) — Idea Apps, Inc.

App Description Introduction to Team MatchDo you like to play sports, but find it hard to find a team to join? You could go the old fashioned route, ask around to friends and co-workers... maybe they will know of a team that is looking for a sub or replac

WaterWayz by Idea Apps, Inc.WaterWayz

Rated 5.00(3) — Idea Apps, Inc.

WaterWayz is an app for boaters that is designed to facilitate and enjoy boating. This app provides a map with GPS that allows boaters to keep track of where they are and allows to find other boaters in their area. Waterways also has a social networking..

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