ICT Solutions Zeist - Android Applications by ICT Solutions Zeist
Ever wanted to give someone in real life a +1 with this app you finally can. It gives you the option to press +1 and give a distinctive sound to let the other person know you gave them a +1. It also keeps track of how many timesyou used the +1 button...
Free AppThe Snaptemats app is a must have!Have you ever had the need to say something to someone but didn't know how?Have you ever experienced a feeling without knowing where it came from?The Snaptemats app will not help you with the above. But at least it will..
Free AppDe Koningsdag Willy App, gebaseerd op Snaptemats is een app die je Koningsdag een stuk leuker maakt.Neem het op tegen de andere spelers van "Koningsdag Willy", om als 1e te eindigen in de Top 25! The King's Willy App, based on Snaptemats is an app that...
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