IC Infotech - Android Applications by IC Infotech
বাংলাদেশের অধিকাংশ FM রেডিওসমুহ শুধুমাত্র ঢাকাতেই সচল। ফলে খুলনা, বরিশাল, রাজশাহী, চট্টগ্রাম, সিলেট...
Free AppAlways forget to send Valentine SMS in right time to your loved one? Thinking about the right words to express your feelings? Searched a lot but found no match what you want to express? Here we brought you the perfect solution!It will set the message...
Free AppThis a tool to create/scan or generate barcode and qrcode easily with your smartphone. You can scan and open web url, email, phone number etc. Also you can copy scanned content into the device clipboard. It support varieties of qrcode and barcode formats.
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