HZH - Android Applications by HZH
100MATH a training mathematical addition ability of a gameWhich there are several different levels to chooseYou can also try to understand their own mathematical abilities addition can give the children playIf you like our game, and also you can give...
$0.73EasyAccount is easy to use.you can try it.This arrives at the primitive original aim which is one account book use simplyappears by operation of a easy type and the easiest method
$0.89This is marquee you may at concert's time uses, perhaps uses in the crowd, lets the distant place the human may seeTaiwan news reports, a boy used this app successfully save the plight of a girl from the sexual harassment.
$0.74Is only the photography is a little senseless?The dot picture frame lets the photograph not be bored!
Free Game將手機螢幕變成螢光棒,不論是演唱會、晚會或是朋友聚會、KTV都可以增加氣氛。更重要的是可以重複使用,省去一般螢光棒事後處裡的麻煩。使用方式:選擇模式,分為單色、多色順序、隨機變色點擊外圈選擇顏色,選取之顏色依序呈現於內圈點擊確認後執行執行後欲返回,只需點擊左邊色塊即可...
$0.74Came from plays a finger guessing game the game in the ancient times, is different in present's playing a finger guessing game, was one kind of athletics. Centralized spiritual attack opposite party, with by the straight line scissors, the curve stone...
$0.91在手機上使用LED板,隨時可以自行點亮文字、圖形。讓您在接機、演唱會、愛的告白等,通通搞定。不用攜帶插板,不用購買LED元件。方便好攜帶。 LED board used on the phone, ready to be lit own text...
$0.74This is one Marquee second generation, increased the check effect, may use between the concert or the friend uses
$0.74One of the New Year in Taiwan will play the gameSDD shot the gantry to use two and does not contain joker poker, this game suitable to play together with the people.How to play:First, each player must throw basic points as a public fund, alternately...
$0.75You may use this game to teach how the child does look at the clock and Also has the ratio number size.When the child is noisy you can use this.Perhaps he can peaceful.Certainly you may also play this game.When you is really bored.