
hytoshi published 3 applications on Google Play, 5 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.17!

photo scale by hytoshiphoto scale

Rated 2.50(4) — hytoshi

ボトルにどのくらいの割合の残量があるのかを調べることができます。5%刻みのスケールを動かして、割合を測定します。 You can check how much is there remaining amount of proportion to the bottle.Move the scale of 5% increments, and measure the percentage.

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薬剤師の臨床検査値計算機 by hytoshi薬剤師の臨床検査値計算機

Rated 4.00(1) — hytoshi


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コインdeはかる? by hytoshiコインdeはかる?

Rated 0.00(0) — hytoshi

硬貨の枚数から重さを計算するアプリです。重さを量りたいけど、秤がない場合などに役に立つかもしれません。 It is an application that calculates the weight from the number of coins.I want weighed, it may be useful, for example, if there is no balance.

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