hwy - Android Applications by hwy
Find a different nationalities friends on map. And find your friends location. Also can find facebook friends on map through facebook login. Send message to friends similar SMS.
Free App旅行清單,出國旅行時,最怕就是帶漏東西,這個旅行清單,可以逐一對照,避免帶漏東西.燒野食(BBQ) 或打邊爐(HOTPOT) 唔知食咩,又或者唔知買咩好,呢個APP幫到你,除了會將食品按人氣排序.還可以幫你做核對表,避免買漏野.而且每建立一個表格都可以決定是否放上網與朋友一起分享.甘大家就算分開去買野都唔會多或者買漏野.功能1.按人氣排列.2.做核對表.3.與朋友分享例表...
Free AppSimple stock queryCan query stock in Hong Kong, the United States, Shenzhen, Taiwan. Simply record trading time, the number of shares and the price. System will automatically calculate the current hands of profit and loss for each stock (excluding fees)..
Free App成員:可以簡單加上狗狗圖案,和記得住狗仔的生日和歲數.狗狗圖鑑:簡單介紹狗仔的種類和資料.狗知識 : 養狗前需知和養狗的步頻.狗仔排行榜:各類狗仔的排行,如最聰明,最愛叫的等等...
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