hex@dec - Android Applications by hex@dec
-Encrypt files-Encrypt plain text-Share encrypted text to other apps (this function is limited to 3 tries in the free version!)-Share the received message with this app, and decrypt it easilyTo get much more features and more advanced security, check...
Free AppThis is an extension to HEXSecure, which enables file encryption over 2 MB, file decryprion over 3MB and disables all the ads inside the app. (The maximum file size will be 32MB) With this app, you can use the share function unlimited times. It is not...
$0.69Warning! Use KFGwifi2 instead of this app, it will be available soon (or maybe it is already)!This app automatically logs in into the wifi every time your phone connects to it. You can activate different methods to avoid timeout, which occurs when you...
Free AppWrite notes and edit them easily. You can encrypt what you wrote, and you can use password to protect your notes. There is a built-in browser, so you can copy and paste text simply. (It is disabled by default, but you can enable it manually in the setting
Free AppThis app can calculate the divisors of a number and show them. It also means, that you can check whether it is prime (prime numbers have exactly two divisors). Prime numbers are highlighted, when there are more numbers, so you can see the prime factors...
Free App-Encrypt and decrypt text and share it immediately-Encrypt and decrypt files-3 times smaller-Less permissions-Password Safe-Hash/Checksum algorithms/Small/Easy-to-use/No unnecessary stuff/Clear & simple interface/Ad-free/ This app is the more professional
$1.59A Karinthy Napló program automatikusan ellenőrzi az általad megadott időközönként, hogy kaptál-e új jegyet, majd értesítést küld róla.A Napló a GYIA kódokkal működik, amelynek a beállítását lentebb találod.GYIA kódok használata:1...
Free AppThis app automatically logs in into the wifi every time your phone connects to it. You can activate different methods to avoid timeout, which occurs when you haven't used your device for a while. The app checks whether the login failed beacuse of the...
Free AppWARNING!This app won't work without NotepadHEX. It is only a key, which disables ads inside NotepadHEX.Please consider buying this key, it supports the development of the app.
$0.58Attention! The new version of TXTEncrypt finally arrived! Download HEXSecure Full, which contains improvements, bug fixes and more features, such as newer algorithms, the ability to change the block size, file-encryption hash algorithms and password...
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