
HenrBone published 3 applications on Google Play, 28 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.18!

Corrupt Politician RUNNER by HenrBoneCorrupt Politician RUNNER

Rated 4.33(6) — HenrBone

Politico Corrupto RunnerRun!You are a politician accused of corruption and money laundering, the police are behind you, get as much money as you can along the way and not let the police catch you!Good luck!Twitter Support: @henri_ms

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Politico Honesto by HenrBonePolitico Honesto

Rated 3.44(9) — HenrBone

Politico HonestoVocê acaba de ser eleito, e agora você tem que se manter incorruptível e recusar todas as propinas que são oferecidas a você em troca de favores.Não deixe a ambição falar mais alto, e mostre que você não se deixa corromper...

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Mongolao RUNNER by HenrBoneMongolao RUNNER

Rated 4.77(13) — HenrBone

Fasse guestau di pruvar qui vosse é mongolao fracaçadoSi divitasi com essi jugao de mongolao.Créditos: Dicas ******** Fasse guestau di pruvar qui thou is mongolao fracaçadoSi divitasi with essi jugao of mongolao.Credits: Tips ********

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