HELIO MENDONÇA JR published 2 applications on Google Play, 4 people rated these apps with an average rating of 5.00!

A Fábrica Botões by HELIO MENDONÇA JRA Fábrica Botões

Rated 5.00(1) — HELIO MENDONÇA JR

trabalhamos com: Botões, Rendas, Elásticos, Fitas, Zíperes, Fivelas, Pérolas We work with: buttons, lace, elastics, ribbons, zippers, buckles, pearls

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Armarinhos Mendonca by HELIO MENDONÇA JRArmarinhos Mendonca

Rated 5.00(3) — HELIO MENDONÇA JR

A mais de 25 Anos atuando na moda Feminina, Moda Intima, Infantil, Jeans, Calçados e outros, pioneira com loja virtual desde 2003, atendemos todo Brasil, qualidade, pontualidade e honestidade tem sido nossa marca. The more than 25 years working in fashion

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