Hearthking - Android Applications by Hearthking
Move The Match is a classic puzzle game, through the move, add or remove a match to find the correct results!The puzzles include solving mathematical equations, graphics, and so on.The game features ==-- --==- a total of more than 1500 levels.- minimalist
Free Game点我加1是玩法最多的烧脑数字游戏,仅仅通过移动、下落、连线等方式就能将数字的乐趣发挥到无限大! 本游戏是一款引人入胜的益智消除游戏,玩法简单且有特色。简单易学且玩法有趣,是一款完美的手机益智游戏,点我+1。...
Free Game比比看,谁跳的更远。即刻即跳,速来围观!Immediately jump, quick to look around!Lead the little hero from one table to another! See if you can finish a few things at one breath!Be careful not to fall!
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Free Game即刻即跳,速来围观!带领小英雄从一张桌子跳到另一张!看看你能一口气完成几个!按住屏幕积蓄能量,松开即可让英雄跳跃。小心不要跌落!看看你有多厉害? That instantly jump, speed to the...
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