hakimlabs - Android Applications by hakimlabs
Al-Muwatta' is Android application of kitab al-Muwatta by Imam Malik. It is contain arabic and its version of all hadith from The al-Muwatta'The Muwaṭṭa is an early collection of hadith comprising the subjects of Muslim law, compiled and edited by...
Free AppThis collection of 40 hadith by Imam an-Nawawi is generally regarded as the most popular anthology and the best introduction to the study of the Prophet's sayings which, contain the essential teachings of Islam. The Arabic original displayed alongside...
Free AppAplikasi Rumah Fiqih (http://www.rumahfiqih.com/)RUMAH FIQIH adalah sebuah institusi non-profit yang bergerak di bidang dakwah, pendidikan dan pelayanan konsultasi hukum-hukum agama Islam. Didirikan dan bernaung di bawah Yayasan Daarul-Uluum Al-Islamiyah.
Free App*New audio lecture will be added everyday*Listening lecture from many ustadz (asatidz) with many themes and topics.Some ustadz whose his lecture available in this Ceramah application are:1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Quraish Shihab Lc, MA.2. KH. Zainuddin MZ3...
Free AppAplikasi Berisi Informasi Pemilu 2014,Dengan aplikasi ini anda dapat lebih mengenal partai politik dan daftar caleg beserta profilnya di daerah anda masing-masing.Aplikasi ini merupakan salah satu finalis dalam Pemilu Hackathon Code for Vote 2014
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