Guillaume EHRET

Guillaume EHRET published 3 applications on Google Play, 51 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.56!

Feuille De Match by Guillaume EHRETFeuille De Match

Rated 3.00(1) — Guillaume EHRET

Feuille de match permet de noter les différents faits marquants d'un match de foot, de rugby à XIII ou à XV, de basket et de créer votre propre feuille de match. Vos résultats peuvent être sauvegardés en local sur votre téléphone et être envoyer...

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Score Board Games by Guillaume EHRETScore Board Games

Rated 3.50(18) — Guillaume EHRET

With this application, you can follow the scores when you play a board game or a card game with your friends. No paper, no pen are needed, you can now do it with your smartphone or your pad. You launch the application and you can start to play. When...

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Mix-IT 2016 by Guillaume EHRETMix-IT 2016

Rated 4.19(32) — Guillaume EHRET

With this app you can prepare the conference which will take place at Lyon on the 16 and 17 April 2015. You can synchronize before the event all the data and use the app without network. Offline mode- See planning - Detail of each session or workshop-...

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