Graded American School of Sao Paulo

Graded American School of Sao Paulo published 10 applications on Google Play, 1 people rated these apps with an average rating of 0.50!

App-Sketball by Graded American School of Sao PauloApp-Sketball

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

Welcome to App-sketball, the interactive basketball app! This app helps you keep track of shots your teammates made during the game. We have many features. One of them is the 3 pointer feature, where you can count 3 pointers. Also, foul shots and misses..

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Interruptioner by Graded American School of Sao PauloInterruptioner

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

To Teachers who have had trouble with their students interrupting you but, couldn’t find an app to help you stop them interrupt your class we have the perfect app here. This app is an app to count the number of interruptions. At first you press add...

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Sameroni by Graded American School of Sao PauloSameroni

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

A simple cooking app that will be able to browse different recipes in the app. You will be able to browse diverse recipes in different sites. There will also be buttons that will lead you to other sites to view the history and the nutritional values...

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Sciency Organizateator by Graded American School of Sao PauloSciency Organizateator

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

So basically this is an app that help all science teachers track all of their lab tools, so that they don’t have to keep track of it in their heads and it makes it easier for them to look after their materials, so they know when the are getting low...

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TeachUrse by Graded American School of Sao PauloTeachUrse

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

Nurses! Do you want to be able to send messages to the parents of your patient easily? Then come buy our app! You will be able to send messages of the student’s initial symptoms and pains and also how he was treated. You will even be able to receive...

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CLASSICS by Graded American School of Sao PauloCLASSICS

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

This app helps you to take ATTENDANCE!We researched that many teachers forget to take attendance. So, we had an idea to make the students take their attendance on their own, and the teacher can check it!We hope that you enjoy our app!For students…...

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Planner by Graded American School of Sao PauloPlanner

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

This app serves the function of an alarm which also allows the user to set subtasks within the time limit. Initially, the user interacts with the ‘Start’ screen. At the top, one can observe the title of the app. Right under it is a segment of text...

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Schedule Viewer by Graded American School of Sao PauloSchedule Viewer

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

The app Schedule Viewer was made to help the users, especially teachers to keep their routine organized. Basically, what this app does is, if you are a teacher you can mark your students on time, or tardy. It also shows you what your student's schedule...

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Student Behavior App by Graded American School of Sao PauloStudent Behavior App

Rated 5.00(1) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

This app will allow the user to check names in each of the teachers blocks and make them appear on the right under a desired heading; homework, tardy, and good acts done in class. Our app made for Graded the American School of Sao Paulo includes homework.

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The Kindness App by Graded American School of Sao PauloThe Kindness App

Rated 0.00(0) — Graded American School of Sao Paulo

With The Kindness App, you are able to receive multiple compliments and spread kindness throughout the world every day.The app provides you with:*A Kindness giver section*A Compliments mode*A reward center where the user can earn rewards and in the future

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