Glory to God - Android Applications by Glory to God
15 Modlitw Świętej Brygidy i Obietnice zostały skopiowane z książki wydrukowanej w Tuluzie w 1740 roku i opublikowanej przez P. Adrien Parvilliers, ze Spółki Jezusowej, Misjonarza Apostolskiego Ziemi Świętej, z zatwierdzeniem, zgodą i zaleceniem...
Free AppCes oraisons et les promesses qui s`y rattachent ont été copiées sur un livre imprimé à Toulouse en 1740, et publié par le Père Adrien Parvilliers de la Compagnie de Jésus, Missionnaire Apostolique de la Terre Sainte, avec approbation, permission...
Free AppRight after telling his disciples to "love your enemies, do good to those who hate you," Jesus instructs them to "bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you" (Lk 6:28). St. Paul echoes the Lord's command when he exhorts the Romans to...
Free AppWhat is a Chaplet? Like the rosary, a chaplet is a sacramental. It consists of prayer beads, and on each bead one says certain designated prayers. There are many different types of chaplets. Often they honor Our Lord or the Blessed Mother under a particul
Free AppKiedy do ojca Pio przychodziły tłumy, mówił: - Idźcie lepiej do ks. Dolindon Ruotolo! Ten kapłan z Neapolu, mistyk, zostawił modlitwę, którą podyktował mu sam Jezus. Modlitwę o piorunującym efekcie. Lektura obowiązkowa dla każdego katolika...
Free AppPrayer, simply put, is conversation with God. That in mind, shouldn’t we be doing it in a way that pleases Him? Not to get us on a good list so that He’ll do what we ask, but to really understand how to talk with Him, and share our concerns, fears...
Free AppKoronka do Najświętszego Serca w wersji Ojca Pio.Ojciec Pio codziennie odmawiał tę Koronkę do Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa w intencji ludzi, którzy polecali się jego modlitwom. Chaplet of the Sacred Heart in the version of Padre Pio.Padre...
Free AppProphet Elijah was the most powerful of God's prophets in the Old Testament.It is the first and the only litany in honour of Prophet Elijah. Whatever challenges you are facing in life – know that there is a powerful Saint Prophet Elijah, who eagerly...
Free AppThe Malinois is a medium-to-large breed of dog, sometimes classified as a variety of the Belgian Shepherd dog rather than as a separate breed. The name "Malinois" is derived from Malines, the French name for the breed's city of origin. The breed is used..
Free AppŚw. Brygida była przekonana, że wszystkie jej pisma mają genezę nadprzyrodzoną, tzn. że nie pochodzą od niej, lecz od Boga - ona i jej sekretarze są tylko "narzędziem" spisującym treść tego, co jej objawia Chrystus Pan, Matka Boża, aniołowie...
Free AppEstas oraciones fueron copiadas de un libro impreso en Tolosa (Francia) en el año 1740. Fueron publicadas por el Padre Adrien Parvilliers, de la Compañía de Jesús. El Padre Adrien era jesuita, misionario apostólico, en la Tierra Santa. Este sacerdote...
Free App瑞典圣毕哲的祷文 - 屏幕截图缩略图 瑞典圣毕哲的祷文 - 屏幕截图缩略图 瑞典圣毕哲的祷文 - 屏幕截图缩略图 瑞典圣毕哲的祷文 - 屏幕截图缩略图 瑞典圣毕哲的祷文 - 屏幕截图缩略图 瑞典圣毕哲的祷文...
Free AppA litany, from the Latin “litania,” which is in turnfrom the Greek “lite,” means “prayer or supplication.” It is a form of prayer that has been a Christian tradition since the early centuries of the Church. Though the many, many litanies...
Free App7 Litanii do Matki Bożej:Litania LoretańskaLitania do Maryi, Matki KarmeluLitania do Najświętszej Maryi Panny, Matki KarmeluLitania do Maryi, Matki KościołaLitania do Maryi, Matki MiłosierdziaLitania biblijnaLitania do Niepokalanego Serca MaryiLitania...
Free AppPapst Pius IX. kannte diese Gebete und approbierte sie am 31. Mai 1862, indem er sie als der Wahrheit entsprechend und zum großen Nutzen für das Heil der Seelen erachtete.Schon lange hatte die hl. Birgitta den Herrn gebeten, ihr zu sagen, wie viele...
Free AppDolindo Ruotolo - priest and Franciscan tertiary - was with Father Pio at Pietrelcina, who was a twentieth century cornerstone of the church. Dolindo was a mouthpiece for the Holy Spirit, knowledge transpired from above, a Capuchin Friar miracle worker...
Free AppWhatever challenges you are facing in life – know that there is a powerful Saint John the Baptist, who eagerly awaits your call for help.Jesus honored the prophet with these words: “Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen...
Free AppIt is the first and the only litany in honour of St. Prophet Jeremiah.Whatever challenges you are facing in life – know that there is a powerful Saint Prophet Jeremiah, who eagerly awaits your call for help.Jeremiah was set aside before birth to take...
Free AppThis application contains all that is known today of the visions and prophecies of Saint Brigdet and most of her prayers (656 pages). St Bridget is best known for the Revelations, the divinely inspired messages she received from God the Father, Jesus...
Free AppDiscover for yourself the true Secret of Happiness through the Fifteen Prayers. Say them with devotion and concentrate on the thought in each prayer. If you make it a habit to spend fifteen minutes or so saying the Fifteen Prayers everyday, you will...
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