
GigaGrand published 5 applications on Google Play, 156 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.28!

Interval Cards Music Theory by GigaGrandInterval Cards Music Theory

Rated 0.00(0) — GigaGrand

Designed for beginners or those wanting to hone their skills, Interval cards provides randomized interval recognition to help you improve on learning your intervals or recognizing them quickly. This app is ideal for music teachers trying to utilize techno

Memory Music Player by GigaGrandMemory Music Player

Rated 4.57(7) — GigaGrand

Are you tired of starting a playlist over every time you reopen your music player app? Ever been listening to music on your Android device, only to lose your spot when someone calls? We have the solution.Gigagrand's memory music player remembers what...

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Simple Random Number Generator by GigaGrandSimple Random Number Generator

Rated 4.64(25) — GigaGrand

Ever wanted to generate a random number only to be confused by a complex interface and a large feature set? Simple Random Number Generator strives to be simple. We know that most people using our app just want to generate numbers, without complication...

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Interval Cards Theory - Free by GigaGrandInterval Cards Theory - Free

Rated 3.50(14) — GigaGrand

Designed for beginners or those wanting to hone their skills, Interval cards provides randomized interval recognition to help you improve on learning your intervals or recognizing them quickly. This app is ideal for music teachers trying to utilize techno

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Rhythm Tap - Music Theory Game by GigaGrandRhythm Tap - Music Theory Game

Rated 3.70(110) — GigaGrand

Rhythm tap is an educational rhythm learning game. Select the notes and time signatures you want and Rhythm Tap will automatically generate rhythms which can be tapped on a button. Rhythm Tap is a great resource for music teachers trying to reinforce...

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