Gherasim BG

Gherasim BG published 3 applications on Google Play, 78 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.88!

Diagnostic Apicol by Gherasim BGDiagnostic Apicol

Rated 3.25(4) — Gherasim BG

Daca va confruntati cu boli ale albinelor, aceasta aplicatie va ajuta sa stabiliti diagnosticul pe baza simptomelor observate in stup.Raspundeti la intrebarile din chestionar si la final se va afisa o scurta descriere a bolii si tratamentul recomandat.Apl

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Touch the Ghost by Gherasim BGTouch the Ghost

Rated 5.00(1) — Gherasim BG

In this game, a ghost is moving on the screen.If you touch it, you score.Press "New Game" to start a new game.

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Tabla Inmultirii by Gherasim BGTabla Inmultirii

Rated 3.40(73) — Gherasim BG

Aplicatie in limba romana!Cu acest joc poti testa cat de bine stii Tabla inmultirii.Apasati butonul "Inmultire noua" si se va afisa o inmultire.Completati rezultatul in casuta de dupa semnul =, apoi apasati butonul "Verifica".Imediat se va afisa un mesaj.

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