Geovanni Fuentes

Geovanni Fuentes published 3 applications on Google Play, 1 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.67!

Convoy with friends by Geovanni FuentesConvoy with friends

Rated 0.00(0) — Geovanni Fuentes

"Convoy with friends" helps you to have a less worry when you go on a trip with your friends.1.- Create a Convoy with the travel destination2.- Invite your friends3.- Start the trip4.- Visualize at all times where your friends are5.- Arrive at your destin

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VoteTweets by Geovanni FuentesVoteTweets

Rated 0.00(0) — Geovanni Fuentes

If you are fan to FAV or RT vote tweets, this app is for you!- Login with your Twitter account- Vote in an interactive way. We decode the tweets for you ;)- Write your own vote tweets with hashtag #VoteTweet- Monitors your vote tweets to compare results..

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Pip - Delivery courier by Geovanni FuentesPip - Delivery courier

Rated 5.00(1) — Geovanni Fuentes

Do not miss any work progress of your collaborators from your mobile device.Pip allows you to report evidence, place, date and time to work associates.1. Create a folder to organize your pips.2. Share your folder code to your collaborators.3. Enter the...

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