GENSSA Technology - Android Applications by GENSSA Technology
Earthquake survival guide, what to do before, during, after earthquake disaster.Save image, set as wallpaper for easy reference and easy reading.Contents:* Survival guide: survival guide, helpful kits, illustration, tips* earthquake statistics: world...
Free AppFloow survival guide, what to do before, during, after flood disaster.Save image, set as wallpaper for easy reference and easy reading.Contents:* Survival guide: survival guide, flood facts, helpful kits, tips, flood disease, hotlines* flood pics: flood..
Free AppLatihan soal-soal ujian penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil, interaktif dan mengasyikkan.Fitur-fitur:1. 1200++ soal, pertanyaan dan urutan jawaban diacak menjadikan aplikasi ini sangat menantang.2. Pengelompokkan soal berdasarkan kategori dan materi...
Free AppAplikasi resmi dari yang memudahkan anda untuk mengakses website Raxu Shoes Indonesia.Produk yang disediakan adalah sepatu dari berbagai kategori dan model untuk pria dan wanita. Kami juga menerima pesanan custom sepatu. Official applic
Free AppCollection of solitaire cards with various colors. You can save the images, download, and set as wallpaper to make your phone UI unique.Contents:* playing cards (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades, jokers)* fun (card design, card cartoon, pile of cards)*...
Free AppAplikasi Android portal berita kemudahan bagi pengunjung setia portal berita dalam mengakses berita terkini yang disajikan oleh Warta Teknologi. Android Application news portal
Free AppCollection of world flags, categorized by countries prefix, save, set wallpaper.Flags of the world, e.g.: afghanistan, algeria, argentina, australia, bahrain, barbados, brazil, india, indonesia, japan, malaysia, united states of america, etc.For the...
Free AppLatihan Soal SMA adalah aplikasi yang berisi latihan/kuiz/tanya jawab/pertanyaan soal untuk siswa/siswi Sekolah Menengah Atas dan sederajat. Sesi Latihan memiliki target nilai dengan waktu yang terbatas, jumlah soal untuk setiap sesi juga tidak terlalu...
Free AppCollection of marbles and gemstones (batu akik) with various colors. You can save the images, download, and set as wallpaper to make your phone UI unique.Contents:* marble ball: green marble, black gemstone, red marble, yellow gemstone, blue marble...
Free AppIntroducing solar system to kids, save images, set as wallpaper.* milky way: sun, mercury, venus, earth, amrs, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune* milky way stuffs: the moon, comets, asteroids, pluto, eris, makemake, ceres* galaxies: milky way, andromeda...
Free AppLearning vocabulary a lot from Dictionary? check what you've learned of vocab treasury using this application.In total, there are > 15,000 words Bank, categorized to make it easier for you to master particular domains--basic vocabulary, academic vocabular
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