Gazi Muhammad Habibul Bashar

Gazi Muhammad Habibul Bashar published 3 applications on Google Play, 22 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.19!

Idioms and Phrases by Gazi Muhammad Habibul BasharIdioms and Phrases

Rated 0.00(0) — Gazi Muhammad Habibul Bashar

Idiom is a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a languageEvery language has its own collection of wise sayings. They offer advice about how to live and also transfer some underlying ideas, principles and values of a given culture...

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Paragraph Book by Gazi Muhammad Habibul BasharParagraph Book

Rated 4.58(19) — Gazi Muhammad Habibul Bashar

Paragraph Book apps contains Top 180+ Paragraph.Paragraph of Definition, An Effective Paragraph, Structure How to organize a paragraph and Paragraph of describe that you might be know how to write modern paragraph. How to Write a Paragraph -Using the...

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Islamic Bani | ইসলামিক বাণী by Gazi Muhammad Habibul BasharIslamic Bani | ইসলামিক বাণী

Rated 5.00(3) — Gazi Muhammad Habibul Bashar

আল্লাহ্‌র বাণী,মহানবী হযরত মুহাম্মদ (সাঃ)-এর বাণী,হযরত আলী (রাঃ)-এর বাণী,আবু বকর সিদ্দিক (রাঃ) এর বাণী,উমার...

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