
GaTasha published 2 applications on Google Play, 1,349 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.43!

Origami for everybody. Lite by GaTashaOrigami for everybody. Lite

Rated 3.86(1,340) — GaTasha

This application is dedicated to origami - the amazing art of paper folding , which has its origins in ancient China and ancient Japan.An ordinary sheet of the paper opens infinite possibilities. You do not need special training or special tools . Only...

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Игра Воз Можностей by GaTashaИгра Воз Можностей

Rated 5.00(9) — GaTasha

Бывает же так - утро уже наступило, а в голове ни одной идеи, чем бы заняться с малышом. Что делать? Да вот же - "ВозМожности"! Вытаскивайте любую...

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