FREE - Android Applications by FREE
In mathematics, a multiplication table is a mathematical table used to define a multiplication operation for an algebraic system.The decimal multiplication table was traditionally taught as an essential part of elementary arithmetic around the world...
Free AppTo move a square:Click on a colored square first, and click on the destination cell which is no square on it. The square will move itself to a destination cell, if there is a free way to it. A move is impossible, if the destination cell is empty, but...
Free Game注意:「記號」內的小數點為全型,若遇無法輸入小數點的狀況, 請改用英文字母鍵盤底下的半型小數點,或改以手寫輸入。1. 除權息獲利計算2. 除權息股價計算3. 買賣獲利率計算4. 買賣損益計算5. 漲跌停股價計算6. 融資損益計算7. 融券損益計算8. M+計算機9. 系統計算機
Free App為清末名儒俞曲園為月下老人祠所編撰的月下老人靈籤。祀中靈籤,共一百籤,為清末名儒俞曲園所編撰,語多雙關,因此往往可有不同的解法。籤詞文句典雅,尤富詩情哲理,靈犀一點,每有奇驗,愛河男女,奉為經典,非尋常遊戲文字可比。...
Free App樂透號碼產生器:1. 隨機產生威力彩號碼2. 隨機產生大樂透號碼3. 隨機產生今彩 539 號碼4. 隨機產生 4 星彩號碼5. 隨機產生 3 星彩號碼6. 隨機產生樂線九宮格號碼7. 隨機產生大福彩號碼◎ 祝您中大獎!...
Free AppEvery fruit has its season, the time of the year when you can enjoy it at its very best.This simple tool will guide you through what is in season when so you can enjoy Taiwan fruit that tastes better, is better value and is better for the planet.
Free App英文諺語就如同漢語成語一般,是英語當中的精華,許多諺語都是簡潔明瞭,一語雙關,而又富於哲理,在此精選出較為重要且常用之英文諺語 360 句,安裝之後可隨身攜帶,方便利用空閒時間記憶,希望這個小工具,能為英語學習帶來一些幫助。...
Free App樂透發財解夢指南,您可將夜晚的夢境轉換為樂透數字:1. 樂透發財解夢2. 隨機產生威力彩號碼3. 隨機產生大樂透號碼4. 隨機產生今彩 539 號碼5. 隨機產生一組 4 星彩號碼6. 隨機產生一組 3 星彩號碼7...
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