
Flose published 2 applications on Google Play, 356 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.98!

Cookbook by FloseCookbook

Rated 3.96(356) — Flose

Keep track of all your favourite recipes in an easy and intuitive way. Cookbook allows you to add multiple images to each recipe.Use the quick search to easily find your recipes.Our online synchronization Kochbuch syncro keeps your Android and PC cookbook

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Flashcards (Unreleased) by FloseFlashcards (Unreleased)

Rated 0.00(0) — Flose

The Flashcards program enables you to efficiently learn your foreign vocabulary.It is the adaption of the popular windows program Flashcards. While the same file type is supported the user experience has been improved for mobile devices.By tapping and...

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