Fernando Oviedo

Fernando Oviedo published 3 applications on Google Play, 8 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.50!

Comanda by Fernando OviedoComanda

Rated 3.00(2) — Fernando Oviedo

The menu appears in the cell and the waiter takes the orders and can send WhatsApp to kitchen or administration or printer. The letter can be updated prices and products.

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Marca Tarjeta by Fernando OviedoMarca Tarjeta

Rated 0.00(0) — Fernando Oviedo

Registra entrada y salida de personal: empleados, estudiantes, profesores. Graba en una base de datos de un Pc windows conectado por medio de WiFi al dispositivo. El celular se registra una vez y luego reconoce para empezar a registrar eventos Register...

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Invoice 2000 by Fernando OviedoInvoice 2000

Rated 1.50(6) — Fernando Oviedo

Product has a data bank for search and selection that are sent to the invoice, you can edit quantities and then the bill is sent to WhatsApp or printer. Products can be edited, deleted or added.

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