Far EasTone Telecommunications Co.Ltd - Android Applications by Far EasTone Telecommunications Co.Ltd
"Do U Love Me?" does not only tell romances but also all of your wishes! As counting petals and murmuring " Yes or No... ", you eventually could know about the future. Buying flowers in a shop would not be necessary anymore - " Do You Love Me? " predicts.
Free App夜晚酒吧氣氛讓人卸下疲憊,些許酒精微醺讓人放鬆,生活總會有些時候讓人迷惘,這時候就用心情雞尾酒,為心情特調出一杯專屬自己的雞尾酒,還能將各式酒杯珍藏到酒櫃中細細品味,用心情雞尾酒拼貼出你的心情地圖;只要按讚,還能開啟隱藏版的雞尾酒與酒杯,帶領你前往未知的心境。特色:【隱藏版】若您想開通隱藏版,只要按讚就能開通意想不到的版本。【臉書發佈】你可以把特調出的雞尾酒發佈到facebook臉書,邀請好友一同品嚐這杯心情雞尾酒。【News】除了調出心情雞尾酒,本遊戲也提供好康活動訊息,只要按下「News」選項,就能前
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