Ethan Turner - Android Applications by Ethan Turner
AmpUp works by decreasing your phone's music volume while you rest, and then gradually increasing it before your workout sets. With this, you can blast your music at exactly the right time and get amped up.To set your rest volume (the volume that is...
Free AppTunerval helps with three musical skills related to ear training : audiation, relative pitch, and intonation.• Audiation is the ability to hear a pitch in your head.• Relative pitch is the ability to identify or produce an interval from a reference...
Free AppLimit Volume allows you to set a maximum volume for your device. With it, you can ensure that your volume is never set too high, either to avoid ear damage or because you simply do not like your ringtone too high. By default, a popup will notify you...
Free AppVolume Lock will keep your volume locked at whatever it is when the lock is set. With this application the sound of your device can be set at a specific level and never changed. You can use this app to ensure that the volume of your device does not get...
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