Eolo Soft

Eolo Soft published 2 applications on Google Play, 18 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.39!

CFDroid beta by Eolo SoftCFDroid beta

Rated 4.79(14) — Eolo Soft

2D Cartesian Compressible Euler solverImmersed Boundary MethodInviscid subsonic transonic supersonic flow over circular cylinderFinite Volume Riemann Solver: Rusanov Flux, ROE FluxExplicit Time Marching Scheme: Euler Forward, Runge-Kutta2, Runge-Kutta3...

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TurboDroid by Eolo SoftTurboDroid

Rated 4.00(4) — Eolo Soft

Initial ReleaseSingle Shaft Gas Turbine Simulation:DesignOff DesignTransient Simulation

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