Empowering People - Android Applications by Empowering People
¿Está buscando herramientas no punitivas para resolver luchas de poder y otros problemas decomportamiento? No busque más. Estas herramientas de Disciplina Positiva proveen eso precisamente: alternativas al castigo que además ayudan a formar enlos...
$1.11Parenting Tool CardsThese Positive Discipline Parenting Tools. Provide many alternatives to punishment that also teach children valuable social and life skills such as self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving skills. These skills.
$2.2952 Tools for Classroom ManagementThe number one stressor for teachers, who want to make a difference in the lives of students, is the time they have to spend on dealing with “misbehavior.” Based on the best selling Positive Discipline series (rooted...