Elmaddin Guliyev - Android Applications by Elmaddin Guliyev
Məmmədquluzadə Cəlil Hüseynqulu oğlu (22 fevral 1869, Naxçıvan – 4 yanvar 1932, Bakı) — yazıçı, dramaturq, jurnalist, ictimai xadim. Böyük satirik, ədib Cəlil Məmmədquluzadə məşhur "Molla Nəsrəddin" ədəbi məktəbinin banisi...
Free AppSince 2008 LHC - Large Hadron Collider - experiment started to run. Last few years there were enormous achievement done in this experiment. To reach successfully result, experiment consisted of different sub experiment and their own detector system.
Free AppOn the 26th of February 1992, the war in Karabakh escalated to unprecidented levels and resulted in one of the greatest humanitarian catastrophes of the 20th century.As Armenian soldiers attempted a final takeover of the town Khojaly it told inhabitants..
Free ThemeAn air shower is an extensive (many kilometres wide) cascade of ionized particles and electromagnetic radiation produced in the atmosphere when a primary cosmic ray (i.e. one of extraterrestrial origin) enters the atmosphere. The term cascade means that..
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