
Edalcat published 6 applications on Google Play, 277 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.98!

Feina Cat by EdalcatFeina Cat

Rated 3.37(46) — Edalcat

Busques feina a Catalunya?Feina Cat et permet consultar les ofertes de treball que publica la Generalitat de Catalunya en el portal feinaactiva.gencat.cat mitjançant el seu servei de dades obertes. Consulta les ofertes segons la província i la categoria..

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Rodalies Alert by EdalcatRodalies Alert

Rated 3.87(45) — Edalcat

Be alert to the advices of Renfe commuter rail lines of Barcelona, from the Generalitat of Catalonia.Main features: * Set the frequency at which it checks for new incidents.* Notifications on the status bar in the case of detecting an incidence* Ability..

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Webcam Cat by EdalcatWebcam Cat

Rated 2.61(18) — Edalcat

Visualitza les càmeres de trànsit de Catalunya en un panell de control.Escull les teves preferides i controla l'estat de les carreteres. Aconsegueix que un embús no t'agafi mai desprevingut!!! Barcelona, Badalona, Cornellà, Lleida, Girona, Tarragona...

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MeteoScout by EdalcatMeteoScout

Rated 4.05(164) — Edalcat

Check the weather models and charts from AEMET.es, estofex.org, bsc.es, Wetterzentrale.de ...This application is ideal to make weather predictions. It allows you to have direct access to major European weather websites that publish the most relevant...

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Rodalies Alert PRO by EdalcatRodalies Alert PRO

Rated 3.00(3) — Edalcat

Be alert to the advices of Renfe commuter rail lines of the Generalitat of Catalonia.Main features: * Set the frequency at which it checks for new incidents.* Notifications on the status bar in the case of detecting an incidence* Ability to stop or start.

Webcam Cat Pro by EdalcatWebcam Cat Pro

Rated 1.00(1) — Edalcat

Visualitza les càmeres de trànsit de Catalunya en un panell de control.Escull les teves preferides i controla l'estat de les carreteres. Aconsegueix que un embús no t'agafi mai desprevingut!!! Barcelona, Badalona, Cornellà, Lleida, Girona, Tarragona...
