DWELLCODE published 2 applications on Google Play, 5 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.10!

Sleep Control - NFA by DWELLCODESleep Control - NFA

Rated 0.00(0) — DWELLCODE

Never Fall Asleep.Would you like to doze, relax or meditate without fall asleep?Find a comfortable position and put your finger on screen.Finger up or move (asleep) will start progressive alarm.Touch the screen again to stop alarm.

Sleep Control - NFA (Trial) by DWELLCODESleep Control - NFA (Trial)

Rated 4.20(5) — DWELLCODE

Never Fall Asleep.Would you like to doze, relax or meditate without fall asleep?Find a comfortable position and put your finger on screen.Finger up or move (asleep) will start progressive alarm.Touch the screen again to stop alarm.

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