
Dusshes published 2 applications on Google Play, 105 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.60!

Cloudy shopping list by DusshesCloudy shopping list

Rated 4.58(84) — Dusshes

Your shopping list is stored in the cloud. All members of Your family at the same time work with him. The wife can add items to the list, and husband at the same time makes the purchase.Features:- user-friendly interface, the keyboard is practically...

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Cloudy shopping list VIP by DusshesCloudy shopping list VIP

Rated 4.62(21) — Dusshes

Your shopping list is stored in the cloud. All members of Your family at the same time work with him. The wife can add items to the list, and husband at the same time makes the purchase.Features:- user-friendly interface, the keyboard is practically...
