
droidapps.rb published 2 applications on Google Play, 485 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.75!

Anonymaz by droidapps.rbAnonymaz

Rated 3.77(13) — droidapps.rb

Connect with Like-Minded people around the world anonymously.The app comes with lots of features like Spam Filters, Auto Reconnect, chat logs. etc..

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Anonymaz - Stranger Chat by droidapps.rbAnonymaz - Stranger Chat

Rated 3.73(472) — droidapps.rb

*** The "Sorry you are pranked" message in about us page was planned as a prank for April fool, and somehow slipped our hands in to live in the last release, now its removed. We Regret any confusion caused.The best and beautiful android client app for...

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