Digital Puzzle - Android Applications by Digital Puzzle
2048 ! ported to android platform of the famous strategy game. Requires smartphones with screens of not less than 4.3 inches, for a good view of the game. Languages: Italian, English, French, Russian
Free GameRemake del famoso gioco da tavolo Blokus...le regole sono le stesse, dovete posizionare i vostri blocchinella tavolozza stando attenti a toccare solo gli angolidei blocchi che avete posizionato precedentemente...gioca contro il computer o sfida i tuoi...
Free GameFont Viewer is a viewer of font styles .ttf or .otf.This app is useful for designers and web developers in general and forthe curious who want to have an idea of the style of the font to be includedin your projects.WARNING: This app does not install...
$0.61Flipper consists of vector lines very fluid movements of game.It has three table play both static and moving.In the preferences menu found: 1 Sound (on or off the game sounds) 2 Music in the background (you can choose if you want the background music)...
Free GameThis widget displays the time and date current weather in the city where you are, the date is displayed in full in the bottom right corner of the widget. Automatic Detection weather OpenWeatherMap at regular intervals, also has a button to update the...
Free ThemePorting per android del famoso gioco degli anni 80 Arkanoid, dispone di 3 livelli di difficoltà oltre alla modalità invulnerabile.lingue: Italiano, Inglese, Portoghese Porting Android to the famous game of the 80 Arkanoid has 3 levels of difficulty...
Free GameFont Viewer is a viewer of font styles .ttf or .otf.This app is useful for designers and web developers in general and forthe curious who want to have an idea of the style of the font to be includedin your projects.WARNING: This app does not install...
Free AppThe challenge is to find the best route to get to the finish using thefewest possible moves.The ball moves horizontally and vertically, and once it starts it does notstop until it meets a wall. To move the ball you can tilt the Smartphone or Tablet or...
Free GameGioco di abilità in cui dovete aiutare il topino Tom a raggiungere il castello del formaggio...inclinate il dispositivo per muovere il topo a destra e a sinistra.buon divertimento... Skill game in which you must help the little mouse Tom to get to the...
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