
devou published 3 applications on Google Play, 461 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.26!

fire screen simulator by devoufire screen simulator

Rated 4.48(21) — devou

fire screen simulator

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مزحة التنصت على الإتصالات by devouمزحة التنصت على الإتصالات

Rated 3.68(409) — devou

ملاحظة : هذا التطبيق لا يقوم بتنصت على المكالمات بالفعل بل هو للمزاح مع الاصدقاء وإظهار قدرات هاتفك الذكي الخارقة والقدر على تنصت على المكالمات...

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Prophets and Apostles stories by devouProphets and Apostles stories

Rated 4.61(31) — devou

Stories of the prophets and messengers from Adam to the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad, peace be upon him, and contains all the stories of the prophets also received the Quran and modern seamless chronological history with a detailed explan

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