株式会社ソフィックス - Android Applications by 株式会社ソフィックス
Like a Bobblehead, a face is an application which can create the photograph which has a motion and force greatly.The photograph taken with the camera on that spot and the photograph saved to the terminal can be used.The created photograph is saved in...
Free AppIt is a pedometer.Sensor sensitivity can be adjusted in 3 stages.Count of target can be set.Achievement level is displayed in progress bar.Distance is measured with GPS.Count is saved on SD card.
Free AppIt is Web browser that added the function to save the HTML/ScreenShot in the SD card.Files is saved in the SxBrowser directory of the SD card.Bookmark is shared with a default browser.(This application corresponds to English)
Free AppIt moves a piece touching the screen. The operation of the mark can be recorded and be reproduced from the menu. The recorded operation is preserved on the SD card, and it read. When preserving it, the file of the same name is overwrited.There are backgro
Free Game冷蔵庫の中の食材を管理するアプリです。◆機能概要◆・食材ごとの「数」と「賞味期限」を管理・食材は、冷凍・冷蔵・野菜の3種類に分類・賞味期限が過ぎた食材と過ぎそうな食材を表示・数が3個よりも少なくなった食材は色を変えて表示・バーコード/QRコードを読み取って食材の情報として登録バーコード/QRコードの読み取りには下記アプリを利用させてもらっています。アプリがインストールされていない場合はバーコードの読み取りは使用できません。 ※ZXing Team様開発 QRコードスキャナー
Free App[Other side of the earth] (antipodes) to the present place is displayed accurately in the Google map.When the address on the other side of the earth can be acquired, the address is displayed on the screen.It detects with GPS and GPS is made effective...
Free AppIt is a password management tool that can do the uniform management of two or more accounts and passwords.The account and the password can be copied to the clipboard.The password is encrypted with AES-128.
Free AppIt is a simple music player.Easy whole tone in the SD card is shuffled and it reproduces.The reproduction that specifies the artist, the album, and the tune cannot be done. Please arrange the widget on the home screen after it installs it.This application
Free AppTwitterをやってみたいけどSNSは怖いといったような初心者の方でも安心して利用できるTwitterアプリです。他のTwitterアプリはアカウントを作成してログインしなければ何もできませんが、このアプリはログインしなくてもTweetの検索や表示、Tweetした人のプロフィールの閲覧などが行えます。...
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