
서산시청 published 2 applications on Google Play, 101 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.60!

birds of korea by 서산시청birds of korea

Rated 4.57(7) — 서산시청

"Korea's birds meet your smartphone" This time, the development of Seosan deploy "Birds of Korea" Mobile apps are associated with a total of 521 kinds of wild birds characterized by large and specialized information . Classification habitat -specific...

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한국의 조류(Birds of Korea) by 서산시청한국의 조류(Birds of Korea)

Rated 4.63(94) — 서산시청

[한국의조류 스마트폰 어플 안내]"스마트폰으로 만나는 한국의조류" 서산시는 2013년 5월부터 6개월여간의 개발기간을 통해 야생조류 전문 모바일 애플리케이션을 개발 완료하고 11월 16일부터...

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